Thursday, July 30, 2020

Life Is Like A Box of Biscuits

The Life Lessons I’ve learned from four boxes of Dog biscuits.

Lesson #1
Know what the heck you’re ordering on the internet. I thought I was ordering one box of biscuits. Apparently I ordered four!

As I opened the first box of biscuits, I  was astounded by the number of biscuits in each box.

Multiply that by the fact I break most biscuits, not all, into a minimum of four pieces I thought each box would last a few years.

For weeks on end I’d take out a handful biscuits, and it seemed it never made a dent in how many biscuits I had left in the box.

Three months later, I was shocked to discover I was down to my last biscuit! 

The idea I had enough biscuits to last a decade quickly gave way to reality.

Forest Gump said:
 “My momma always said that life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

Today I decided :
My life was like a box of biscuits. 

In the beginning, (in my youth) it seemed like I had an endless supply of biscuits (days left to live.)

Now, not so many.

For the last two decades of my life, I’ve probably had over a dozen medical issues that could have killed me or rendered me permanently disabled. I’ve had more than seventeen surgeries.

If you met me on the street you’d never know, or see any residual effects of every illness, disease, and surgery, that our Lord has brought me though.

Lesson #2
Obviously, this can’t go on forever.  I have a designated time to meet my Maker, and the time for that meeting gets closer every day.

I may not be down to the last biscuit in the box, but it surely feels I’m getting close.

It’s a profound mistake to live your life thinking you have an endless supply of days, (biscuits in your box)

The Bible says:
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
~ Psalm 90:12~

In other words, no matter your age, there’s a certain amount of wisdom you’ll miss, if you don’t live your life with the realization your box of biscuits (days) is not endless.

This last biscuit in the box brought that reality home to me in a powerful way.

Rick Redner & his wife Brenda Redner authored two award winning books, both available on Amazon. They are: 

I Left My Prostate in San Francisco-Where’s Yours?

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Erectile Dysfunction & Penile Implants

Rick & Brenda share their experiences coping with four devastating years of erectile dysfunction which led to a loss of self-esteem, and marital conflict.

Additionally, we share why we chose to seek professional help to save our marriage. Last but not least we provided a detailed account of how and why we went the penile implant route, and how that changed everything. This is a life changing book. 

Don’t take my word for it, read the Amazon reviews.

The title of their second book is:

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implants

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